Monday, August 8, 2016

Weekend Review: U of A Architecture, Free Air, & A Roadtrip Cooler

It's been another busy week and I've been feeling pretty lousy today (just the flu, but ugh), so I'll keep this one brief. Here are some things I've appreciated in the past seven days:

  1. campus walks -- U of A has some wonderful old (and new) buildings. This week I stopped to check out the old tile floors and ornate stonework of the Old Arts Building, and the state-of-the-art glass high-rise that is the Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science.
    old arts building u of a
    ccis u of a
  2. tacos -- Enjoyed a couple of taco dinners. So simple and tasty.
    homemade tacos
  3. free air -- Nearly every gas station in Edmonton now charges for air. Dislike! I hate having to rush against a timer. This weekend I was happy to find a place that doesn't charge -- Hughes -- they're awesome! Just in time too, as I suspect one of my tires has sprung a slow leak.
  4. road trip -- I had a fun time on a little impromptu road trip yesterday; we saw a bunch of quirky big things by the roadside in cute little towns. I'll have to write a separate post about it!
  5. cooler -- And I picked up this little cooler for said road trip, which is just perfect.

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